Booking modalities: Minimal risk, maximal fun!
We want you to look forward to Rad am Ring 2021 with as little risk as possible on your side. In order to guarantee you maximal flexibility and security with your booking in these dynamic times, we have adapted our booking and payment modalities for 2021 as follows:
If you register now, your payment will definitely not be due before January 2021. Depending on the current Corona situation, it might only be due even later than that. Either way, we will inform you well in time before we collect the money from you and give you the opportunity to assess the situation and, if necessary, withdraw from your booking free of charge.
A transfer of the starting places from last year will not take place. So it’s first come, first serve – not only with regard to your desired plot. If, contrary to our expectations, there are restrictions on participants due to hygiene regulations, we would of course like you, as faithful early bookers, to have your starting place secure. Being early is worth it!