Congratulations, and we loved seeing you there!
“Congratulations, and we loved seeing you there!” – is what our partner bike-components would like us to pass on to you. The bc team looks back on an indescribable weekend but still tried to put it into words: joy, motivation, team spirit, sun, full speed, ups, downs, wind, pain, cramps, hunger, thirst, iso, gels, bratwursts, powernaps, darkness, silence… and the sound of your bike!
What more could you want? There is one more thing, actually: that all riders get back home in good health. Because health is the highest good and a necessity for events like Rad am Ring, where our partner bike-components will be present again next year with their amazing support.
The bc team is really looking forward to 2024 and would like to say: “THANK YOU, it was fantastic – ride safely and drop by again in the Orange Hell!”