Power supply

through the 24h-Race

There are plenty of sockets (Schuko) and electricity in the pit area.

You are riding on a modern race track – therefore, you surely won’t have to live off candle light at night. A power connection is available for each lot within a radius of about 50 meters. If necessary, you must / can “plug in” in at your neighbor’s. However, the quantities of electricity available are limited. Fan heaters, hairdryers and similar “power guzzlers” are therefore not wanted.

For the power supply, each team should carry a waterproof (!) extension cable of the appropriate length with them to the Ring. For the power supply, each team should carry a waterproof (!) extension cable of appropriate length and at least one multiple socket. Standard Schuko plugs can be used in all plot areas. Only plots H and HH also have individual Euro plug connections in the peripheral area (camping).

The current “power points” are shown on the map.