
Save the date

Friday, 18. July 2025
16:00 – 22:00 Giving out Race Documents, belated Registration at Participant-Center (TNC) (Pit 18-21)
16:00 – 22:00 Entrance to the Paddock for 24h-Participants
16:00 – 22:00 Expo
19:45 Grand Opening of the Event (Stage)
20:00 22 km-Time-Trial: Start (Stage)
21:45 22 km-time-trial: Award Ceremony
22:00 Closing of the Participant-Center

Saturday, 19. July 2025
07:00 – 08:00 Entry to the paddock 24h-participants
07:00 Giving out Race documents, belated registration at Participant-Center (TNC) (Pit 18-21)
08:30 Expo opening
08:50 Meeting point Dextro Energy Kids Race: Mercedes Arena “Dextro Town”
09:00 – 12:00 Touring rides (touristic; E-Bike): Start (individual) until 11:00, exit through gate 13
09:00 – 09:45 Dextro Energy Kids Race: Technical training
10:00 – 10:45 24h-Bike Race: Participantsmeeting (Stage)
10:00 Dextro Energy Kids Race: Start Race 1 and 2
11:00 Dextro Energy Kids Race: Award ceremony (Stage)
11:00 Touring rides (touristic, E-Bike): Start final lap
11:40 Start line-up: 5 km, 75 km, 150 km, 24h-Race
12:00 End Touring ride (touristic; E-Bike)
12:30 150 km Public-Race: Start
12:34 75 km Public-Race: Start
12:36 25 km Public-Race: Start
12:44 110 km Gravel Race: Start
12:46 55 km Gravel Race: Start
12:48 28 km Gravel Race: Start
12:58 24h-Bike Race: Start
15:00 25 km Public-Race: Award ceremony overall / incl. age groups (Stage)
15:30 28 km Gravel Race: Award ceremony overall / incl. age groups (Stage)
15:45 75 km Public-Race: Award ceremony (Stage)
16:00 55 km Gravel Race: Award ceremony overall (Stage)
17:15 55 km Gravel Race: Award ceremony age groups (Stage)
17:40 110 km Gravel Race: Award ceremony overall (Stage)
17:50 raffle: Philipps Bike Team (Stage)
18:00 150 km Public-Race: Award ceremony (Stage)
18:20 75 km Public-Race: Award ceremony age groups (Stage)
18:45 German Cycling Cup: Handover leader’s jersey (Stage)
18:50 150 km Public-Race: Award ceremony teams (Stage)
19:00 110 km Gravel Race: Award ceremony age groups (Stage)
19:30 150 km Public-Race: Award ceremony age groups (Stage)
20:00 Closing expo and stage program
20:00 Closing of the Participant Centre (TNC)

Sunday, 20. July 2025
07:00 – 11:15 Giving out race documents, belated registration at Participant-Center (Pits 18-21)
07:00 – 13:00 Touring Rides (sportive): Start (individual) up to 11:30
08:30 Expo opening
11:30 Touring Rides (sportive): Start of last lap
12:15 Bundesliga-Race: Registration Teams (Stage)
12:15 – 13:30 24h-Bike-Race: Finish
13:00 Bundesliga-Race: Start
14:30 Closing Expo
14:35 24h-Bike-Race : Award ceremony (Stage)
from 15:38 Bundesliga-Race: Finish
16:15 Bundesliga-Race: Award ceremony (Stage)
16:30 Closing Participant-Center

Subject to change!